This post has been cleared due to a formal request from FL in regards to their gamemode files. While we have no comment on the specifics, we wish to maintain good formal relations with their community and as such have cleared this initial post. The replies in this thread may remain. Please note that this has been discussed and cleared with Liv, the author of this thread. If you have any concerns regarding these actions, please do not hesitate to send a message to those involved.
We apologise for any inconvenience to all involved.
Not sure why this was moved to Trash section, but I feel this should stay in public.
Why? Here is the reason:
First of all, the version that is hosted on Github is not CityRP2. All our custom made plugins and additions are missing. The code is CityRP 1 - the version which ours is based on. This is not a secret and well known.
Note that CityRP 2 has 1194 extra additions/fixes plus 714 hidden contributions on top of CityRP 1.
Secondly I think every LUA Dev that wants to improve or help Limelight, should be able to use this Github version to work on new things.
Whether it be a Contributor etc. This repository is a good start for new features.
Moving back to Off-Topic.
: This is not a leak of CityRP - Its simply an opensourced version of it.
Aye, I have no issues with an open-source variety of CityRP floating around. Currently it's very difficult for prospective developers to learn how to code Lua for CityRP, and this should help. There's nothing here that hasn't been semi-public for quite some time anyway. Hopefully this will help some people to learn a little.
Contributors for example, could use Liv's version as sort of "aggregator" for new features, fixes etc. I'm really happy about this repository because now we don't have to "backport" our version to match the core-version. Finally people can develop for CityRP, without access to the live-code.
Once a new feature is ready, we can easily adapt it to our version and plug it in.
Great to see an older version released publicly to assist development.
I know back when I was contributor, I had to read very, very, very outdated documentation which was written for a very, very old version of the gamemode back at the other community, and it was only when I became a developer that I had known how to properly work with CityRP.
Nice work

Another motivation for this was the pathetic secrecy around the gamemode that's been around since forever.
It should be open just like it's variants e.g. Applejack, except hopefully with active development.
My only worry/hope about this idea is that people won't bother adding their contributions to the github via pull requests and instead solely submit them to the community.
It would be nice for the contributions and fixes people make to be added to the github version too to keep it up to date, usable and allow other people to build off new features added.
This is awesome!
You'll definitely see some contributions from me!
Let's use this thread so people can post their changes!
I like that idea.
Commit 11-13:
Added a check to see if cityrp version is the same as github version (outdated) and if it is not, it notifies the player.
Other Additions:
Support for a yacht, checks to see if it is spawned in water to stop abuse. /storeboat to store your boat.
New commands /attatch and /detatch, allows the attatchment of ONE contraband to either a Ford Raptor, Tides Truck or Yacht.
See changes in sh_init for drug lab and money printer and sv_init for vehicle plugin.
Please excuse the messy ass code.
Pull Request: Removed a namecheck for the CityRP folder.
(Jul 28, 2016, 04:09 PM)Jompe Wrote: [ -> ]Pull Request: Removed a namecheck for the CityRP folder.
Merged to main, thanks.
It's time I learn lua I guess
(Jul 28, 2016, 04:09 PM)Jompe Wrote: [ -> ]Pull Request: Removed a namecheck for the CityRP folder.
accept my steam req you poo
(Jul 28, 2016, 04:51 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]It's time I learn lua I guess
Hopefully this will prove to be an aid if you wish to not only learn lua but learn CityRP and GMod functions to help contribute or work on your own shit