(Jul 28, 2016, 02:38 AM)Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]We were just playing around with you man, good bye but we won't do it again we promise. I am very sorry
Dude, I am not trying to start flamewars but how the fuck is joking about someone's illness just "Playing around"? God this world man...
See ya lunatic didn't know you that well but don't let this get to you.
Sorry that you were mistreated in such a way, Lunatic. Goodbye.
(Jul 28, 2016, 02:38 AM)Zombie Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 27, 2016, 11:33 PM)Lunatic Wrote: [ -> ]So I join the Limelight Teamspeak, and I go to my channel because me and my friend wanted to talk and Skype wasn't working. When I join, after a few minutes, Bambo, Project, Zombie & Zeppy decides to make fun of me... Because I have Diabetes. Considering I had lost my admin permission of my channel, all I could do was to listen to them constantly making jokes about amputation, and for you that don't really understand, amputation is a serious risk when having Diabetes. They constantly ask questions while all of them are laughing. I knew that they were doing it intentionally because friends of them had been spamming my steam profile with annoying messages such like 'Rip Limbs' and stuff. I really don't think I deserve to receive such fucking shit (not that I deserve Diabetes either) from respectable community members, including a teacher, Bambo. This leads me into just staring at my computer screen just crying tears. I don't really wanna go on here anymore, bye!
We were just playing around with you man, good bye but we won't do it again we promise. I am very sorry
Didn't really see you around much, but sad to see you go because of this. Good luck in whatever you do!
Sticks and stones man, sticks and stones. Hope to see ya back soon.
We all know that we have people with different abilities and illness, because I myself have attention deficit, do I do weird stuff? Sometimes, but I get control over it, take this from a guy who tries to do PassiveRPs but they get ruined by someone I won't mention, If they have a problem with what you have, ask them: You have a Problem, Deal with it yourself, and get out of there
Sorry to hear about this Lunatic. Don't let horrible people get to you. Hope you come back soon.
Harrassment is not at all tolerated here, let's make that clear for the future.
OT: take care
Goodbye Lunatic , return always ill roleplay with u if u want

Good bye, have a nice one and good luck in the future!
(Jul 31, 2016, 12:22 PM)Labrador Wrote: [ -> ]Don't go down to cunts, people who make fun of problems should be ashamed of themselves due to it and to take the piss of diabetes is the worst thing and Zeppy I expected more things from you than this... don't leave and get on that dead(jk) server.
Like Brynn said, fucking say your goodbyes and dont bring it up again?
Its a shame, cya around man.
(Jul 31, 2016, 12:22 PM)Labrador Wrote: [ -> ]Don't go down to cunts, people who make fun of problems should be ashamed of themselves due to it and to take the piss of diabetes is the worst thing and Zeppy I expected more things from you than this... don't leave and get on that dead(jk) server.
Say goodbye and maybe a comment. Don't think that cursing out the players that harassed him is appropriate.
No one deserves to be bullied. Please don't leave the community/server, ignore them haters. Think Positive thoughts , ignore the negative ones.

But if you are really gonna leave then good luck in t he future and I hope you will come back!