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Full Version: Pangu Releases iOS 9.2 - 9.3.3 Jailbreak.
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[Image: pangu-jailbreak-ios-9.3.3.jpg]

iOS 9.2-9.3.3 jailbreak is out from Pangu.

Currently it is only available in Chinese, download here

But the English version is expected to come soon.

Also note that it is currently Windows Only, so Mac Users either use Virtualisation Software or wait till they release it for Mac.

The only MAIN issue, is it's a semi-tethered jailbreak, meaning everytime you restart, you will have to run a app on the device to 're-jailbreak' it, otherwise it will be left in a unjailbroken state.

Everyone prefers a fully untethered so you have the full freedom of a jailbreak, but meh, it's better than nothing.

I myself am running a iPhone 6S, which is on 9.1 so I am on the latest untethered jailbreak available