Hi guys! I'm ondy, 14 years old male from Slovakia... I never RPed on cityRP so I'm looking up for it. Pardon my english since it'đ not my native language

. Hope to see ya all on the server!

Welcome to LL, hope you enjoy your stay.

Welcome to Limelight! You don't have to excuse your english, LL is multi-national

Welcome to Limelight. Is theres anything you need to ask dont hesitate to ask ooc //message or ask our teachers using /help message
Limelight and city rp it self has come a long way. It will definatly take some time to get to know everything, but the basics are quite simple and everything beyond that will be part of your journey

Welcome to Limelight, Ondy!
If you need any help with anything, there are a lot of friendly players and server teachers who will be willing to support you as you play! You can use the /h command to get some teacher support.
Welcome to LL. As Nudelsalat said: we are an international community and your egnlish seems fine so far (Besides this is the best way to practice english). Hope you enjoy your stay