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Full Version: PR on D-Sec
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Name of Player: D-Sec

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51066927

Server: v33x

Time: (In UTC+0) 16:38 or 39

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke.
Insulting me OOC
Thank you for your player-report, ICEKILLER_99.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Yes I did insult him via the PM, and I am taking resposibility for it, however, the screenshot was taken out of context.

ICEkiller has been insulting me and acting hostile towards me since the day one. This was a clear example of the situation, because, he also randomly walked up to me, and started calling me a minge, telling me that nobody likes me. I nicely asked him to leave me alone, and he kept spamming No.

I will make a seperate report on ICEkiller, and his hostality towards me.

Here is an evidence that he was insulting me as well.

Icekiller, do you mind explaining the repeated calling him a minge in looc prior to him insulting you?
Because he always says ''I'll never have as much as bans as you'' and then he said ''Look at your bans for RDM'' then I answered and after that he said ''look at your blacklists for RDM''
So because you both seem to have issues with eachother im gona say this.


Leave eachother alone and youl both be just fine.
The next time i see either of you are insulting the other, its more than a warning.

Report Denied as both players we're picking on eachother