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Full Version: BR on Mr.Smite
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Name of Player: Mr.Smite

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70613999

Server: V33X

Time: 22:07 - 22:08.

Summary: Mr.Smite had several attempts at stepping and punching the officer on the ground as secret service, until about three times where another officer came over and healed him. I only have a video of that attempt, but if you check the logs you can see him hitting and stepping on that same body several times.

You can see he jump and punch in the upper right corner at the start of the video, before I confront him.

Thank you for your player-report, WillyVodka.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

As when I saw this, I used @, but the admins were seen busy or afk

Closing Notes: Evidence clearly shows accused "punchwhoring" a ragdolled player.

Player will be given a 1 Day Suspension,