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Full Version: PR on Oshri
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[b]Name of Player:[/b] Oshri

[b]SteamID: [/b] STEAM_0:0:60950760

[b]Server: [/b] v33x

[b]Time: [/b] (In UTC+0) 2 minutes before this PR

[b]Summary:[/b] Give us context and what rules they broke.
stepping on my corpse and punching me
Thank you for your player-report, ICEKILLER_99.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
The evidence listed in no way shows that Oshri is the one stepping on you, only that they are in the area.

No voice icon is above his head in any of your screenshots, do you have anymore evidence than this?
Well alan used a camera to make a picture
Unless more solid evidence is providedin this report, it will be denied

Closing Notes: Sufficient Evidence not met.