Jul 12, 2016, 03:56 PM
![[Image: logo.png]](https://limelightgaming.net/forums/images/modesty/logo.png)
Staff Report Instructions
This section of the courthouse is for reports of inappropriate and/or abusive conduct by members of staff.
Reports on (Trial) Moderators, Administrators (Including Dev-Mods and Dev-Admins), Super Administrators, and Owner, should be posted here.
Reports on Developer-Onlys, Business Advisors, Teachers, Contributors, and Veterans should be made in the Player Reports section of the forum – do not post them here.
Inappropriate conduct includes but is not limited to: breaking server rules, forum rules, harassment, leaking, insulting players and other members of staff, abuse of power.
If you are reporting a member of staff because you believe they have abused their powers, please read the spoiler contents below:
The following points are not abuse:
Banning you, even if you don't like the reason, make an unban request for this.
Administering unorthodox punishments, i.e. !slay.
Applying god mode to themself, even in a raid this may be needed for admin duties.
Noclipping/teleporting away from RP in event of admin situation.
Not responding to your @ messages immediately.
Admins may be busy or unable to respond or already checking logs but just haven't informed you yet.
Removing your props.
Sometimes this is necessary in order to keep you in line with the rules. Even if they remove a base in the middle of the raid, while it is a somewhat harsh move and he should remove all aggressors first, it is your fault for creating a doombase.
Refunding with a valid reason, either himself or others.
Muting you in OOC, it is often necessary.
The list goes on, but these are common complaints, and you should use common sense when making an admin abuse thread.
The following points are abuse:
Using admin powers to RDM, i.e. godmoding and firing RPGs at people.
Using noclip or teleport to help some friends in a raid.
Demotes someone solely in order to claim the job.
Using noclip or teleport to avoid RP situations (unless admin situation).
Bypassing arrest mechanism (unless admin situation).
Unfairly refunding himself free items for no reason.
Abuse of admin powers against people, i.e. random !slay, !ignite
Using godmode/heal during a raid solely to give himself a fighting advantages
Teleporting his friends into an active raid in order to help out
Using admin tools and constructs for an unfair agressive advantage unless previously agreed upon by all parties involved for an RP situation.
Breaking rules himself solely because he is an admin
Messing around, for example killing other admins or using punishment commands for the fun of it, etc.
Remember, use common sense, there should be less random unnecessary admin abuse threads, but we are still interested in hearing about any possible admin abuse, as we take these matters very seriously. If you have concerns about an admins performance but it is not strictly abuse, please send a private message to either one of the Super Admins or the owner.
Banning you, even if you don't like the reason, make an unban request for this.
Administering unorthodox punishments, i.e. !slay.
Applying god mode to themself, even in a raid this may be needed for admin duties.
Noclipping/teleporting away from RP in event of admin situation.
Not responding to your @ messages immediately.
Admins may be busy or unable to respond or already checking logs but just haven't informed you yet.
Removing your props.
Sometimes this is necessary in order to keep you in line with the rules. Even if they remove a base in the middle of the raid, while it is a somewhat harsh move and he should remove all aggressors first, it is your fault for creating a doombase.
Refunding with a valid reason, either himself or others.
Muting you in OOC, it is often necessary.
The list goes on, but these are common complaints, and you should use common sense when making an admin abuse thread.
The following points are abuse:
Using admin powers to RDM, i.e. godmoding and firing RPGs at people.
Using noclip or teleport to help some friends in a raid.
Demotes someone solely in order to claim the job.
Using noclip or teleport to avoid RP situations (unless admin situation).
Bypassing arrest mechanism (unless admin situation).
Unfairly refunding himself free items for no reason.
Abuse of admin powers against people, i.e. random !slay, !ignite
Using godmode/heal during a raid solely to give himself a fighting advantages
Teleporting his friends into an active raid in order to help out
Using admin tools and constructs for an unfair agressive advantage unless previously agreed upon by all parties involved for an RP situation.
Breaking rules himself solely because he is an admin
Messing around, for example killing other admins or using punishment commands for the fun of it, etc.
Remember, use common sense, there should be less random unnecessary admin abuse threads, but we are still interested in hearing about any possible admin abuse, as we take these matters very seriously. If you have concerns about an admins performance but it is not strictly abuse, please send a private message to either one of the Super Admins or the owner.
Report Instructions:
Use the template provided at the bottom of the page and fill it out to the best of your ability.
Unlike Player Reports, you are not required to provide evidence, but understand that it may not be possible to prove your claims to the fullest extent (or at all) without any. If you cannot provide evidence, give as much information as possible regarding when and how the abuse/inappropriate conduct took place so log checks or other applicable investigative methods can take place. If you are reporting a member of staff for LEAKING, we request that you do not post the evidence in the public but rather send it to HR directly via Steam, Discord, Forum PM, etc (Currently HR are
You may only comment in staff reports only if you are the accusing player or a witness/someone who is directly involved in the situation being reported. Members of staff may comment on the staff report with input and opinions if they see fit, however only Super Administrators and Owner can conclude Staff Reports (exception if the post is a troll post, breaks forum rules/doesn’t follow these guidelines).
Fabricating and tampering with evidence with intent to mislead is punishable by a permanent ban (and a forum ban), and lying in the courthouse is against forum rules and can lead to a forum ban.
This is the template:
[b]Your Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Your Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Name of Staff Member:[/b]