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Full Version: crime buds propaganda
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crime buds 4 like forever pal.
Honestly fresh meme i like it.
one thumps up for you
Rip dat boi reefaz he is loved
I really stole the show
Proud to make an appearance.
RIP enzyme shot in the back. :L
loged in to make these anouncement:

ur all fuckin kicked from crime buds.

since i will be gone for many moons i will give my leadership position to a man that has been with me for many years. he helped me out in my times of need, gave me a place to stay, and got me out of a deep depression. a man regarded so high on the limelight community that some of you may not be surprised that i made this decision. the new leader will be SAXON WARD. thank u all for ur support.
also i will have to sanction u for ur memeposting on off topic on off topic on off topic on off topic on off topic on off topic thread. i will follow t[hrough with these sanctions and give u 30% warning due to my small male genetalia

no u bud
no u bud you have been defeated, leave this meme territory and take your disgrace of a meme with you
(Jul 12, 2016, 07:34 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]no u bud you have been defeated, leave this meme territory and take your disgrace of a meme with you

funny cause pony admitted my meme was quality
Alright alright guys. I know how to settle this.

Jarz and Welker:
1v1 eachother with poetry.

Show us if you can embrace poetry with your meme-skills.
Both contestants get one poem each. I'll declare a winner of the poetry-off.
(Jul 13, 2016, 01:22 AM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Alright alright guys. I know how to settle this.

Jarz and Welker:
1v1 eachother with poetry.

Show us if you can embrace poetry with your meme-skills.
Both contestants get one poem each. I'll declare a winner of the poetry-off.

not again
Project bitch plzzz I'll rekt their crew again
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