Jul 11, 2016, 01:40 AM
Name of Player: mashaBiceps
SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:1:79501012[/b]
Server: V33x
Time: (In UTC+0) 11:35pm
Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke.
Rule 1.3: Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a role play situation
I was about to impound his car, as soon as I am inside, he reconnects to avoid the RP situation of me impounding his car
SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:1:79501012[/b]
Server: V33x
Time: (In UTC+0) 11:35pm
Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke.
Rule 1.3: Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a role play situation
I was about to impound his car, as soon as I am inside, he reconnects to avoid the RP situation of me impounding his car