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Full Version: XShai123 unblacklist request
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Your Name: XShai123

Issued by:[L²] Enzyme

Blacklist ID: 67278


Why should you be unblacklisted?: The anarcist i ran over was j walking and after i ran him over i stopped and i called an ambulans. its not cdm for my mind because i did everything right. he was j walking on the road. i stopped my vehicle immediately and called an ambulans.

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, XShai123.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Approved. Situation looked different from my angle, as your recording shows that you were looking behind you.

Note: In future situations, vehicle related rulebreakage from you will result in a longer punishment due to you having so many vehicle-related BLs and warnings. You're notorious for driving into people on purpose, provoking cops to chase you and etc and it's something that needs to stop.