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Name of Player: Avi3 , GG , beastchickenman666

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32883937 , STEAM_0:1:69408841 , [b]STEAM_0:1:98058714[/b]

Server: V33x

Time: (In UTC+0) 6:47 PM (CA Time)

Summary: NLR, Revenge Killing , FearRP , RDM

Thank you for your player-report, SgtDonut :D.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
While I was online, I witnessed beastchicken breaking multiple rules, as such I did issue him a ban.

GG I only caught break NLR, in which I issued at NLR blacklist.

I did not witness Avi3 break any rules at the time. But it is clear here that she did also break NLR.

Of note: I had a conversation with Starkiller about using the Fire Engine to push vehicles around.
From the video I have spotted:

Beastchicken: NLR violation to get his car back

Punishment Already issued

AVi3: NLR violation, returning to area of death to confront killers

NLR Blacklist will be issued along with a weapons blacklist

GG: NLR violation, returning to area ot death to kill his killers 2x

NLR Blacklist will be issued along with a weapons blacklist

PR Approved