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Full Version: The Rocket has landed!
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[Image: 9LWYBl7.png]
My Return

It has been a while since I've resigned from limelight and I never really made or publicly posted a resignation thread, and a lot of people asked me why I resigned (Especially Icekiller) but really the reason on why I've left has nothing to do with limelight. At that time a lot of players and admins were leaving limelight and it would've looked really bad for the community if they saw another admin leave which is why I decided not to post my resignation thread then. I asked for the staff to post it later when things have gotten better but at the end I asked them not to post it at all.

Anyways, I've made this thread to say that I've hopefully returned fully to limelight and I'll be more active on the servers hopefully (Other than late nights where I mostly will play Overwatch) If anyone needs a signature or any help let me know. Probably going to open up a new signature shop/thread soon.

Also give me your opinions about the new profile picture and signature. 
Welcome Back! Will you get your admin spot back or will you just be a peasant like the rest of us?
Yay! Welcome back!
Welcome back! Wink
Welcome back, was wondering if you'd make a return thread or not. :3
Nice, awesome art btw.
Hi raptor
Hi nightfury
Sup galatica

Pls change sig. Looks liek a 5$ budget movie trailer paper
(Jun 20, 2016, 12:02 PM)Brynn Wrote: [ -> ]Hi nightfury
(Jun 20, 2016, 11:03 AM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]Hi raptor

Oh no! not this again! 

[Image: 4deaUKc.png]
Welcome back Rap.
Welcome back Raptor/Rocket!
Ah! Welcome back, so when is this Rocket taking off?

- I'm only kidding, nice to see you back sausage.
Welcome back
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