Your Name: BranX
Ban ID:3340
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.[L²] Enzyme
Server:[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]33x[/font]
Ban Reason: I was banned for Insults and fearrp
Why should you be unbanned?: I understand why i was banned but i just wanted to say that i was not given a chance to explain myself they were setting me up i have anger issues and it just angered me how off camera they tried to rda me and i was generally having a bad day so of course i said something that i agreeable should not have said if you give me a chance i will promise i will never be banned or do anything against the rules again i want to apologise to Toxic Codeq Saxon and Sgt Donut for the way i behaved i should not have behaved the way i did but you must understand that i cant help it and it didnt help that kappa was angry aswell but again sorry for the way i acted i hope the server can forgive me as its my favourite server every day after school i join so it is sad that i cannot come back if you cant completely get rid of the ban maybe you could take some time off but its your decision and i shall not question it thank you for reading.
Evidence: Im sorry i have none but ask saxon if i apologised to him.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, BranX.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I dug through the logs
Quote:v33x [04:10:33] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // hey squeaker go kill yourself pls
v33x [04:10:59] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // O btw squeaker enjoy your ban
v33x [04:29:09] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // you know what toxic its not u whos the problem its that fucking little squeaker
v33x [04:29:35] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // i hope whereever this kid is that he hangs himself whilst his parents watch
v33x [04:30:04] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // idc ban me i dont give a fuck anymore i keep getting arrested for no reason
v33x [04:30:14] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // this server at night is shit anyway
v33x [04:30:39] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // how am i the fucking troll then when this squeaker keeps randomly shooting and killing me
v33x [04:30:55] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // i just wanna fucking play but i cant with fucking cunts like that around
v33x [04:31:08] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // i just wanna fucking play but i cant with cunt like that around
v33x [04:31:49] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // fuck you im not breaking rules but oh no i have less hours so instantly im in the fucking wrong
v33x [04:32:25] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // hey 11 yr old please do me and a favour and go and get bit by a snake and never come back
v33x [04:33:24] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // fuck you i hope u fucking do post it cos then people will actually fucking see what you cunt are liek
v33x [04:33:45] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // you just sit here all day on the server then when i want to play at night you have to ruin it for me
v33x [04:34:05] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // you are nice when admins are around but you guys are fucking cunts when they are gone and you know it
v33x [04:34:26] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // no you shouldnt commit suicide your fucking stupid for saying it
v33x [04:34:46] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // maybe but this isnt meming this is just being a plane right dick
v33x [04:42:50] BranX (STEAM_0:1:16793015) said: // just saying but in rp terms tommorow the buds are going to diee
Some of these comments of yours was something I wasn't aware of when I dealt with the BR and I've therefore increased your ban because of your extremely disrespectful and insulting language. Telling a player to kill himself is unacceptable language and there's no excuse for your language. I see no reason why your ban would be reduced as it's more than valid and you said yourself that you don't care if you're banned because you said "this server at night is shit anyway".
i know i said that but you dont understand i have a major anger issue that turns me into a pretty much completely diffrent person i honestly love the server thats why i have the 50 hours this is also my first offence so pls understand that its not actually me saying it its the angry side of me
Have you talked to Saxon i have apologised to him and also its not as simple as that when i get into a mood im not stopping untill the other person stops
You and Kappa were being outright malicious towards us, but especially towards Saxon. Saxon or I would arrest either you or Kappa for In-Character violations, such as evading us or recklessly driving, and it would turn into an Out-of-Character, left-field personal attack from either of you towards us. This instance, for example, was targeting Codeq.
![[Image: D1D796D1B895B4C5AF3F19D1337B50E821920B61]](
i have talked to saxon and apolagised i want to say sorry to you aswell if i could and codeq if you could give me his steam link
also i said after that was all jokes
Here is my apology to you on ts if you didnt get it toxic Im here to ask if you would accept my apologies i know it proberly sounds like im doing it to get unbanned but i am generally sorry i have anger issues as i stated in the br and when it comes on im like a diffrent person im sorry for saying such bad things to you.
I'm afraid that you having anger-issues is not a valid excuse for what you did and say.
If you know that you have anger-issues then it's your responsibility to remove yourself from a situation if your mood/temper is escalating.
Do you have anything else to say?
No its obvious you do not understand anger issues its not as easy to just remove yourself from what got you angry in the first place
If you had anger issues you would know that once you feel angry you cant stop easily because your mind just doesnt let you and after you feel depressed and like its your fault
Its not a switch i cant just turn it off when i want its on till its completely gone but oh well right aslong those guys got the br i guess its all happy
one other thing before i leave funny how they were trolling me so i just got pissed off and ur taking it out on me gg
(Jun 19, 2016, 07:38 AM)BranX Wrote: [ -> ]Its not a switch i cant just turn it off when i want its on till its completely gone but oh well right aslong those guys got the br i guess its all happy
Sorry to butt in, but I actually have anger issues. Not only have I managed to keep it under wraps for a good bit, but I can still play on the server even when in a rolepaying scenario and staff situations that I may not agree with or am involved with players I personally don't like. It's an easily controlled problem and there is no excuse to go as far as you did. If you can not restrain yourself to limit these confrontations, you will not be welcome here. Telling players to kill themselves especially is an over the top attack on someone's mindset.