Jun 18, 2016, 02:05 PM
Ban ID: 3328
Banned by:[L²] Barkles
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: Major player insults - Last chance
Why should you be unbanned?: Well the undercover police officer dont know his name because it has weird symbols has been ruining my rp for the last 2 days random interogations arrest further on. so today he wanted to arrest me for being suicidel my lawyer xshai helped me escape the scene wich failed since we became stuck on a pole i ran into office and went in the elevator and ran into a small room and then changed my clothes (shai also gave me a fake id) then eventualy the cops came up i told him a guy hid with a gun in a room first they ran past me then the undercover agent looks at me and taze's me because he sees my name wich is failrp he didnt even ask me to stop so i was already pretty pissed because of this and the things he had done the past few days then eventualy some kid called saxon ward joins the conversation that i was having with the annoying undercover agent saying thing like 'your a rager i hate ragers'
'your gonna get banned' 'its funny when you die because you scream when you die' wich was enough for me and made me realy mad that is why i just got pushed to much wich eventualy made me rage alot.
Evidence: none
Ban ID: 3328
Banned by:[L²] Barkles
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: Major player insults - Last chance
Why should you be unbanned?: Well the undercover police officer dont know his name because it has weird symbols has been ruining my rp for the last 2 days random interogations arrest further on. so today he wanted to arrest me for being suicidel my lawyer xshai helped me escape the scene wich failed since we became stuck on a pole i ran into office and went in the elevator and ran into a small room and then changed my clothes (shai also gave me a fake id) then eventualy the cops came up i told him a guy hid with a gun in a room first they ran past me then the undercover agent looks at me and taze's me because he sees my name wich is failrp he didnt even ask me to stop so i was already pretty pissed because of this and the things he had done the past few days then eventualy some kid called saxon ward joins the conversation that i was having with the annoying undercover agent saying thing like 'your a rager i hate ragers'
'your gonna get banned' 'its funny when you die because you scream when you die' wich was enough for me and made me realy mad that is why i just got pushed to much wich eventualy made me rage alot.
Evidence: none