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"we tried to rp telling the leader to come inside". I couldn't quote the whole post for some reason but why would you write that if there was no conversation? I can only speak for myself in this matter, but when we were on Corleone street I didn't have an NLR timer.


Just going to leave this here, bud
That was the only thing said before codeq and others simply took their vehicle and left they didn't speak hence why we told you to stop hence the shooting I was the only one that spoke to my knowledge
The only thing said was codeq asking if we could have a conversation after that, that was it
Now there is now way that I can prove this but I clearly remember Codeq saying "Is that my car? Can I please have it back" with one of you (the corleones) answering something along the lines of "Isn't that one of you driving the car?". Codeq then says "No, I don't think so". The driver of the car (Sgt. Donut) that we (The crime buds) traveled in the honked the horn, and Codeq got into the car. He never even touched his own car. The only car that was with us when we left belonged to Sgt. Donut.
We all hopped into one car, as the video shows.
I believe we put it there after you guys molotoved our base.
There was still no conversation still I don't believe that codeq said that at all
Now you're just lying. Are you seriously claiming that we drove to your house, stood there in dead silence, starred at you while silently fiddling our balls and then finally took off? You even claimed earlier that you talked to Codeq and the rest of us.

Make up your mind about what you think happened so that the admin can finally close this thread.

"there was no conversation we tried to rp telling the leader to come inside and the others to wait outside". That's a quote from one of your earlier posts. In this sentence, you managed to somehow say that a conversation took place but at the same time it didn't. It makes it quite hard to determine if you're lying or not when you keep contradicting yourself like that.
Overall not enough evdidence and i cannot really see what happend in this case.
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