Jun 15, 2016, 10:18 PM
Your Name: Orbit Shadow
Ban ID: STEAM_0:0:62151733
Banned by: [L²]Enzyme
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: For mass rdm and hate full comments
Why should you be unbanned?: So I wanna get unbanned as i love this server but when people ruin it for others it makes me mad so retaliat (Im sry for saying hatefull comments) But they were using voice chat so it dosent appear, but anyways i mass rdmed the people who killed me every time i spawned, I was gonna call an admin but there were no admins on so i thought i might as well kill them but im sry for everything i did and all i wanna say is that i wanna make sort things out getting trusted, if it means me getting to 1 hour idc i love this server and i wouldent of retaliated if they woudent of killed me everytime i spawned
Second Evidence:
Ban ID: STEAM_0:0:62151733
Banned by: [L²]Enzyme
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: For mass rdm and hate full comments
Why should you be unbanned?: So I wanna get unbanned as i love this server but when people ruin it for others it makes me mad so retaliat (Im sry for saying hatefull comments) But they were using voice chat so it dosent appear, but anyways i mass rdmed the people who killed me every time i spawned, I was gonna call an admin but there were no admins on so i thought i might as well kill them but im sry for everything i did and all i wanna say is that i wanna make sort things out getting trusted, if it means me getting to 1 hour idc i love this server and i wouldent of retaliated if they woudent of killed me everytime i spawned
Second Evidence: