Jun 14, 2016, 06:57 PM
Ban ID:3275
Banned by: [L²:M] Daley
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: FailRP. Invalid reason to kill.
Why should you be unbanned?: i had a good reason to kill that man my friend (xshai123) xshai already tried to kill him but he ran away eventualy the cops shot the corloene member and tried to resurect him xshai said to me that he hated the man and wanted him death so i was asking him for money since i knew i would get arrested with so many cops arround so he offerd me 500$ and i agreed with that and killed him so i dont see how it is invalid i just tried to help a friend.
A player (XShai123)
Ban ID:3275
Banned by: [L²:M] Daley
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: FailRP. Invalid reason to kill.
Why should you be unbanned?: i had a good reason to kill that man my friend (xshai123) xshai already tried to kill him but he ran away eventualy the cops shot the corloene member and tried to resurect him xshai said to me that he hated the man and wanted him death so i was asking him for money since i knew i would get arrested with so many cops arround so he offerd me 500$ and i agreed with that and killed him so i dont see how it is invalid i just tried to help a friend.
A player (XShai123)