Your Name: Zonamann
Ban ID:3248
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.[L²] Barkles
Server: X33V EU
Ban Reason:FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: I really dont know when i broke FearRP. I really dont where that came from but it might be something wrong here. I might not be unbanned but if someone can give me some evidence that i broke that rules so please come With it. [L²] Barkles? Can you please show me some evidence? Thanks.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Zonamann.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Well he didn't say anything. If I was in that sit in real life. then I would run away since he didn't tell me to go down or anything. He didn't threat me so I would just run away. I I think the people in Paris also ran away when it was shooting episode when the terrorist was shooting but not on them. So I really don't so much to say
And in the linelight video "basic rules" it says: when someone points a weapon on you, you have to follow their orders. He didn't game me any orders
(Jun 12, 2016, 09:51 PM)Zonamann Wrote: [ -> ]Well he didn't say anything. If I was in that sit in real life. then I would run away since he didn't tell me to go down or anything. He didn't threat me so I would just run away. I I think the people in Paris also ran away when it was shooting episode when the terrorist was shooting but not on them. So I really don't so much to say
Theres a massive difference between a Terrorist attack which killed over 100 people and a police officer trying to stop you from escaping from jail
Even though he said nothing is it not obvious a police officer is wanting you to stop is you're escaping from jail?
Especially as you seemed to say something like "fuck u noob" near the end
no but, its not in the rules. As i can see he is not holding a gun point at me. just check out the video. An you cna tban me for FearRP if FearRP was not at the Place. Just watch
"when someone POINTS a weapon on you, you have to follow their order"
you can also hear in the video that i told the othert tewo guys that they was breaking FearRP
From my perspective, Zonamann followed FearRP as soon as I gave my order, whereas the other guy kept running around.

not only did you commit FearRP breakage you ALSO asked to be killed in the second video which will be added to your ban