Thank you for your player-report, Cooli.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
There is no insulting behind telling you that I personally hate you. Also what I am saying in Global OOC after is something I wouldnt classify as insulting but more like honesty, I always see you drive around at late night, mugging people killing people etc. I did have a valid reason to kill you, since you arrested me for something which I didnt do, you detained me and put a warrant on me for 'Killing multiple police officers' which I infact not do as I was just a normal citizen as that time, but Jail turned me into a revengeful criminal that later assassinated you for corruption. Say whatever You want about the insults, it just shows how weak you are as a person who cant stand unharmful words like that, that is all I am going to say.
But to make this easy for admins decision, I might have insulted this POOR MAN's feelings, but what I did was clearly not RDM as I had a RP background behind killing him and my jobname was Revengeful Criminal
(Jun 11, 2016, 04:09 PM)Lunatic Wrote: [ -> ]There is no insulting behind telling you that I personally hate you. Also what I am saying in Global OOC after is something I wouldnt classify as insulting but more like honesty, I always see you drive around at late night, mugging people killing people etc. I did have a valid reason to kill you, since you arrested me for something which I didnt do, you detained me and put a warrant on me for 'Killing multiple police officers' which I infact not do as I was just a normal citizen as that time, but Jail turned me into a revengeful criminal that later assassinated you for corruption. Say whatever You want about the insults, it just shows how weak you are as a person who cant stand unharmful words like that, that is all I am going to say.
But to make this easy for admins decision, I might have insulted this POOR MAN's feelings, but what I did was clearly not RDM as I had a RP background behind killing him and my jobname was Revengeful Criminal
Killing someone because they arrested you is against the rules, and changed your job to do that as well is powergaming.
It's against the rules to kill someone who arrested you for something you did, YEAH, but I straight on logged on to the server, and got arrested for Cop murder which is a fake warrant which is corruption.
Closing notes: Player was found to have broken the rules regarding insulting players in OOC ('Cooli must be wone of the worst players of CityRP'); this is not a first time offence of misusing OOC and so a suspension from its access will be applied for 8 hours.
There was insufficient evidence to support the claim that the player RDMd the accuser - nothing in the logs, and in any case there was sufficient background RP as far as I can see.
In the future however I would like to see more RP commands being used. I saw a lot of salty words being thrown out in OOC, but to make it an RP scenario you need to make it more immersive. Torture, hostage, put fear into him, etc.
This reply can and will be used as a conditional warning for other Admins.
Cooli, I also found this whilst looking for your RDM claim. There's a well known proverb I'm going to point out to you:
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
You are also guilty of insulting in OOC, and will have your access taken, too.
v33x [15:21:24] [L²:RP]Cooli (STEAM_0:1:55474305) said: .// what an idiot