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Full Version: PR - eNz
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Name of Player: eNz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127240480

Server: v33x

Time: (In UTC+0) 7:40 UTC, 8:05 UTC

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. 

Firstly, he was a gun dealer and he was arguing over the car and that he drives it (as a joke IG), he goes round the corner, comes back and attempts to mug me for money despite him being a gun dealer. Secondly, me being a money maker, I went to his Police Car, and he left it unlocked while he was walkng around the lake, so I jumped in and took it to my yard to steal stuff out it, and then sell it on (Via IG advert). He got pissed and said it was Fail RP then disconnected and reconnected to avoid me RPing selling the stolen car and so he could get his police car back easier; which is pretty much Rule 1.3. Finally he disrespected me in OOC by saying 'Fuck you' to me. 


Mugging as Gun Dealer:
D/C to avoid RP situation and get his car back and avoid me RP selling it: 
'Fuck You' In OOC:
Thank you for your player-report, _H4MZ4_.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Report reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding mugging as a gun dealer and player disrespect.
Suspension will be applied for one day.

[L²] Nacreas
Server Administrative Team