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Full Version: Evocity Royal Charity Ball
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Pages: 1 2
(Jul 24, 2016, 06:05 AM)lpriml Wrote: [ -> ]Is this the event where you have to be a millionaire to participate in, or was that another?

No. That was likely another event.
To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to purchase two adult tickets for my consort and myself. I am applying for the role of an Upper Class Guest and I have contacted you regarding the requirements. It is wonderful that the monetary proceedings will be going to a charity organisation and you have my complete endorsement.

[Image: rwo5xJh.png] 
Pierre El Daher
Chairman and CEO of the Evo Broadcasting Corporation
I'd like to grab two spots for myself and ~date. We'll be Middle class.
Tickets will be delivered by Tuesday
Is this event still going on?
Closed per request from OP.
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