May 19, 2016, 05:54 PM
Your Name:[/b] PC.Mark Gibbin
Issued by: [L2:M] Jono
Blacklist ID: 66322
Server: Which server did it happen on? v33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: i didn't mass rdm for a start i was getting chased by a cop and someone ran in front of my car and if i was cdm y was the cop not punished fro killing me ever time i re spawned and the bit about stealing a cop car as a mechanic is not true i have a dodge charger and i changed it to skin 1 which is a police dodge charger skin.
Evidence: N/A but if i had my car back and i was a mechanic i would prove i can change it
Issued by: [L2:M] Jono
Blacklist ID: 66322
Server: Which server did it happen on? v33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: i didn't mass rdm for a start i was getting chased by a cop and someone ran in front of my car and if i was cdm y was the cop not punished fro killing me ever time i re spawned and the bit about stealing a cop car as a mechanic is not true i have a dodge charger and i changed it to skin 1 which is a police dodge charger skin.
Evidence: N/A but if i had my car back and i was a mechanic i would prove i can change it