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Your Name:[/b] PC.Mark Gibbin

Issued by: [L2:M] Jono

Blacklist ID: 66322

Server: Which server did it happen on? v33x

Why should you be unblacklisted?: i didn't mass rdm for a start i was getting chased by a cop and someone ran in front of my car and if i was cdm y was the cop not punished fro killing me ever time i re spawned and the bit about stealing a cop car as a mechanic is not true i have a dodge charger and i changed it to skin 1 which is a police dodge charger skin.

Evidence: N/A but if i had my car back and i was a mechanic i would  prove i can change it
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, PC.Mark Gibbin.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Greetings PC.Mark Gibbin,

The reason for your blacklist is <Mass CDM. Stealing cop car>

This blacklist was issued after I witnessed you crash into two fireman after previously driving extremely erratic, especially for the handling of the charger you were driving. This was after an @ call which I believe was about you CDMing other people, which was why I watched you in the first place.

People did not simply run in front of your car, as they were by a stationary fire-engine, and were on the side of the road.

I shall amend your blacklist to remove 'stealing cop car' as that was clearly my error, however it does not negate from the FailRP which you was banned for, or the use of vehicles to kill the firemen.
Blacklist ammended, appeal approved.